II - Commands

CONFIGURE(1)                 MATE Commands                 CONFIGURE(1)


       configure - configuration script to compile and install MATE.


       ./configure --with-mpi=MPI_PATH


       configure is used to set the installation environment before using the
       make command to build MATE. It performs the following tasks:
       1   Define the path where MATE and its dependencies (ROSE, Boost,
           Tarragon) are going to be built. This path needs to have 
           with at least 5Gb of free space prior to compilation.
       2   Verify that the MPI library binary and include paths exist.
       3   Determine which version of Boost to use depending on the current gcc
       4   Verify that some of the tool dependencies used by MATE or ROSE can be

       Except for --with-mpi, none of the options for configure are mandatory, 
       and a default value is used for them, in case they are not specified.


       These options are used to choose the information displayed by ps.
       The output may differ by personality.

              Specifies where the MPI library to use is installed. Configure will look
              for and execute MPI_PATH/bin/mpicxx command, and verify that the file 
              MPI_PATH/include/mpi.h exists. This MPI library will be used by MATE
              to compile and link the translated source files.
              Specifies where MATE and its dependencies will be installed. INSTALL_PATH
              needs to have at least 1Gb of free space at the moment of installation.
              Default value: $PWD/bin

              Specifies where MATE and its dependencies will be downloaded and built.
              BUILD_PATH needs to have at least 1Gb of free space at the moment
              of installation.
              Default value: $PWD/build

              Specifies how many jobs will be used to build MATE and its dependencies.
              The recommended value for this parameter is the number of CPU cores in the
              computer used to compile. Compilation times for MATE's dependencies vary 
              greatly depending on this value. For example:
                ROSE's Compilation time for 1 job:   ~4 hours.
                ROSE's Compilation time for 16 jobs: ~30 minutes.
              Default value: 1

              Forces the current gcc/boost version to be used. For a list of MATE 
              compatible compiler/boost versions see the COMPATIBILITY section. 

              Displays a help message.


       Simple configuration example:
          ./configure --with-mpi=/opt/mpich2

       Simple configuration example with recommended simultaneous job number:
          ./configure --with-mpi=/opt/mpich2 --build-jobs=16

       Configuration with different filesystems for build/installation:
          ./configure --with-mpi=/opt/mpich2 --build-jobs=16 --build-dir=/big-filesystem/mate-build --prefix=/usr/bin/mate

       Display help message:
          ./configure --help


       After the configuration script was been executed without errors, the user can compile
       and install MATE using the following make commands:
           Compiles MATE and its dependencies. Creates the --build-dir path to download and compile
           dependencies. If dependencies are already installed, it does not re-build them.
       make install
           Installs MATE in the directory specified with the --prefix option.

       make check
           Compiles and executes all tests included in the tests/ folder. It is recommended that this
           command is executed after installing MATE to verify that it runs correctly.
       make clean
           Cleans MATE's compilation files, but does not uninstall it from the installation directory.


       The following combinations of gcc/boost have been tested, and the correct
       combination is chosen from the gcc version being used. Automatic fixes to ROSE
       installation are applied in some cases:

         gcc 4.4.*: boost 1.50
         gcc 4.5.*: boost 1.47 + fixEDGbuild.sh (*)
         gcc 4.6.0: boost 1.47 + fixEDGbuild.sh (*)
         gcc 4.6.*: boost 1.53 + fixEDGbuild.sh (*)
         gcc 4.7.*: boost 1.53
         gcc 4.8.*: boost 1.53
         gcc 4.9.*: boost 1.53 + fixEDGbuild.sh + fixgcc49x.sh (*) (**)
       Using gcc for compilation of MATE and its dependencies is mandatory since 
       the ROSE compiler infrastructure can only be compiled with gcc. 

       There are no restrictions on which MPI library can be used for MATE, although
       the majority of tests have been performed using MPICH. 
       (*)  The script fixEDGbuild.sh is automatically used to select the correct
            version of EDG binaries compatible with the current gcc version used
            to compile ROSE.
       (**) The script fixgcc49x.sh is automatically used to allow ROSE use gcc 4.9.*


       All MATE's dependencies are automatically downloaded (except for Tarragon,
       which is included in MATE's source code) and compiled by the installation
       Some dependencies require that some GNU programs are already installed
       in the system. MATE's configuration script does not check for all of these
       sub-dependencies, but an error message informing which programs are missing
       will be displayed by the dependency's own configure script.  

       ROSE Compiler Infrastructure.
          The ROSE Compiler Infrastructure is downloaded and compiled automatically
          during installation. MATE uses ROSE for code translation. It may take several
          minutes to compile ROSE using multiple simultaneous jobs, and up to four hours
          using a single job.
       Tarragon Runtime System.
          TRS's source code is included in the MATE release. MATE uses the TRS
          for task generation and communication.
       Boost C++ Libraries.
          Boost is downloaded and compiled automatically during installation. 
          MATE uses Boost to support ROSE.

MATE-TRANSLATE(1)            MATE Commands            MATE-TRANSLATE(1)


       mate-translate - Translates MATE-annotated source code.


       mate-translate files [-Idir...] [-Dmacro[=defn]...] [gcc_flags] [--mate-verbose]


       mate-translate takes a set of input C/C++ files containing MPI functions and
       #mate pragma annotations and outputs a single C++ file containing a semantically
       equivalent latency-tolerant version of the input program.


       These options are used to specify source files and pre-compilation flags to

              Specifies the source C/C++ files to be translated by MATE. It is
              recommended that all the project's source files are indicated here.
              See the INPUT section for more details. 
              Specifies include directories for header files (.h, .hpp).
              Specifies definitions and macros. MATE's preprocessor will apply
              these definitions in the translated code permanently.
              Allows specifying additional gcc flags required for compilation that
              are necessary for translation.
              Allows visualizing the progress of the MATE during its different translation
              stages. It also provides further details when an unexpected error occurs.


       The list of file(s) specified in the files must satisfy the
       following requirements:
       - One and only one of the source files specified must contain a full
         definition of the main function:
            int main(int, char**);
       - At least one of the files must contain MPI code, reachable from the main
       - All input files must follow MATE's annotation syntax. MPI control and
         collective communication functions do not need to be annotated. All MPI
         peer to peer communications need to be enclosed in their corresponding 
         MATE overlap/receive/send regions. See the SUPPORTED MPI FUNCTIONS
         section for more information.
       The full specification of MATE's annotation syntax can be found at:


       If translation is successful, mate-translate will output a single
       C++ code file with the same name as the source file containing the main
       function, and an added prefix. For example:
       INPUT  = main.c aux1.c aux2.c
       OUTPUT = mate_main.cpp
       The output file will containg a Tarragon-compatible class definition that
       is used by Tarragon to execute in a data-driven form. This class semantically
       represents the original main() function plus inlined functions containing MPI
       MATE will inline (i.e. replace a function call statement with the whole
       function being called) all functions that call, or contain calls, to other
       functions containing MPI calls. This is done in a recursive fashion.
       The resulting MATE generated file contains all the communication semantics
       used by the original program. No other functions (i.e. those who do not contain
       MPI calls inside their definitions or in subsequent function calls) are inlined.
       To compile a translated project you only need to replace the original source file
       containing the main() function with the translated file. You also need to use
       mate-cxx for compilation. For example:
       Original compilation line:
          mpicc main.c aux1.c aux2.c -o my_program
       MATE compilation line (including translation step):
          mate-translate main.c aux1.c aux2.c
          mate-cxx mate_main.cpp aux1.c aux2.c -o mate_my_program


       Single file translation:
          mate-translate main.c

       Multiple file translation:
          mate-translate main.c aux1.c aux2.c

       Multiple file translation with include directories:
          mate-translate main.c aux1.c aux2.c -I/usr/include

       Multiple file translation with include directories and definitions:
          mate-translate main.c aux1.c aux2.c -I/usr/include -Dvalue=100


      - When we translate MPI processes into tasks that runs as threads,
        we change the memory model of our program.  In particular,  global
        variables (i.e. declared outside the scope of any function) will
        become shared, result in interactions among tasks does not occur in
        the original MPI program. This is a general issue with all task based
        systems, and each has their own solution. Our interim solution is to
        place such globals in a C struct and to pass the struct as actual
        paramters to functions that use global state.

      - Multi-line Macro definitions are not supported.
      - Communicator splitting operations are not supported currently.

MATE-CXX(1)            MATE Commands            MATE-CXX(1)


       mate-cxx - Compiler/Linker for MATE translated programs. 


       mate-cxx files [mpicxx_flags]


       mate-cxx is an alias for the mpicxx command specified by the user during
       MATE's configuration. It adds additional flags, includes, and linked libraries
       that are necessary for the MATE translated code to compile, and to link with
       the MATE Runtime System. 
       When mate-cxx is executed, all its arguments are redirected to mpicxx but
       with the addition of MATE specific arguments.


       These options are used to specify source files and mpicxx flags to mate-cxx.

              Specifies the source C/C++ files to be compiled/linked.
              Allows specifying additional mpicxx flags used by the original
              program to compile/link.


       Single file compilation and linking:
          mate-cxx mate_main.cpp -o mate_myprog

       Multiple file compilation and linking:
          mate-cxx mate_main.cpp aux1.c aux2.c -o mate_myprog

       Multiple file compilation and linking in separate stages:
          mate-cxx -c mate_main.cpp
          mate-cxx -c aux1.c
          mate-cxx -c aux2.c
          mate-cxx mate_main.o aux1.o aux2.o -o mate_myprog

       Multiple file compilation and linking in separate stages
       with include directories, definitions, additional libraries, and flags:
          mate-cxx -c mate_main.cpp -Dvalue=100 -O2
          mate-cxx -c aux1.c -I/usr/include -O2
          mate-cxx -c aux2.c -O2
          mate-cxx mate_main.o aux1.o aux2.o -o mate_myprog -L/user/lib -lm


       MATE-translated programs should be executed with the following syntax:
       srun -n PROCESSES mate_program --mate-threads WORKERS --mate-tasks MATE_TASKS [--verbose]
              Indicates the number of MATE processes to be instanciated by the SLURM/MPI/UPC launcher.
              The recommended value for this argument is the total number of NUMA domains in the exeuction
              domain. For example, if the run uses 16 nodes, with 2 NUMA domains each, the value for
              PROCESSES should be 32.
       --mate-threads WORKERS
              The number specified in WORKERS indicated how many MATE workers
              (kernel level threads) will be created for every MATE process.
              Each worker will be mapped to a single and distinct processor core. MATE guarantees
              that no thread/core migration will occur during execution.
              The recommended value is for this argument the number of cores in each separate NUMA domain.
              For example, if the current machine has 2 processors with 8 cores each, the
              best configuration is to run 2 MATE processes per node and 8 MATE threads per worker.
              More information about this can be found in the MULTINODE EXECUTION section. 
              Indicating more workers than cores available in the machine will result in
              performance degradation:
       --mate-tasks MATE_TASKS
              MATE_TASKS indicates the amount of MATE tasks to be created.
              From the user program's point of view, the MATE Tasks are equivalent to MPI tasks.
              However, this parameter allows MATE to execute more tasks than cores in the node, 
              allowing virtualized executions.
              This flag will enable Tarragon to print information about the current execution:
              - CPU and NUMA related information.
              - Global and node-local worker count and IDs.
              - Global and node-local task count and IDs.
              - Worker-Core affinity.
              - Task-worker affinity.
              - Individual Task finalization order.